Blinded By The Bite! Giveaway – Celiac Awareness Month 2012

I got to know Simone Shifnadel of Zenbelly Catering over the last month via Twitter, as she was raising funds for a shared gluten-free kitchen in San Francisco through Kickstarter.  Having been a former San Franciscan (yes you do leave your heart in San Francisco, even when the move is to Austin), I thought this was such a great idea and wanted to get involved.

Click on here to view Kickstarter video

So with May being Celiac Awareness Month, I thought what better way to get involved by supporting Simone in her efforts with Zenbelly Kitchen and give a fabulous gift to someone newly diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease in the San Francisco area!

What am I giving away you ask? In partnership with Simone & Zenbelly Kitchen, Blinded By The Bite! is giving away a $150.00 gift card to someone newly diagnosed (within the last 6-8 months) with Celiac’s Disease or Gluten Intolerance who lives in the San Francisco area (Zenbelly’s location). How do you win? All you have to do is provide a comment below about when you were diagnosed and share a little bit about your journey to becoming gluten-free & how going gluten-free has affected your life.

It’s my pleasure to help someone start their gluten-free journey.  It has changed my life for the better and being able to help support a new business such as Zenbelly Kitchen is just the icing on the cake and what a fun way to wrap up Celiac awareness month!

Official Rules: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Participants must be 18 years or older to enter and live in the San Francisco Bay Area (Zenbelly location). Giveaway will start on Thursday, May 31, 2012 and will end on Friday, June 08, 2012 at 12:00 pm EST. In the comments section below, provide a comment about when you were  diagnosed and share a little bit about your journey to becoming gluten-free & how going gluten-free has affected your life.  One (1) winner will be randomly selected using  Contact information for Zenbelly Kitchen will be provided to winner, as Zenbelly Kitchen open date is to be determined.

Photo Credits: Zenbelly Catering

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