Coping with Death

Wordless Wednesday – Coping with Death

Coping with Death

Coping with death has it challenges.  Some do better than others, but we all have those days where we just want to bury our head under the covers when coping with death and/or loss.

A picture is worth a thousand words and my dog Harper put into action how I’ve felt lately.  I just have to laugh and couldn’t resist taking a picture, which ultimately made my day better!  A friend of mine recently gave me a book she read when her father passed away “The Other Side of Sadness” by Georage A. Bonanno.  My friend found it helpful as it explained that grief does not come in stages and it’s not the same for everyone and more over about human resilience – Here is a review from the New York Times.

I do know this for sure, I have to remember each day to be kind to myself and realize that it’s just going to take time and it’s ok if I want to put my head under the covers from time to time.

And yes I’m back in the kitchen! Developing new recipes, cooking and baking (thank god)!

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