Gluten-Free Quick Lunch or Dinner!
My work schedule tends to be a bit hectic during the week and then when you add in the holiday’s I try to keep my kitchen stocked with quick and easy items to prepare gluten-free lunches and dinners that take no more than 15 minutes start to finish. So with this is mind, I made a trip on Con’ Olio & Antonelli’s Cheese Shop last weekend so my kitchen would be stocked appropriately for this upcoming week.
I had a pasta dish in particular I have been wanting to make for dinner:
– Gnocchi with a cream sauce
With that in mind, I headed to Con’Olio and Antonelli’s Cheese Shop to pick up the following ingredients:
Con’ Olio:
–Gnocchi di Patate (Gluten-Free product produced by Rustichella d’Abruzzo & imported from Italy)
Antonelli’s Cheese Shop:
-La Dolce (*Ask your cheese shop for gluten-free options as they can advise you on your available selections)
So Monday night I got started on the Gnocchi dish with a cream sauce (serves 2) & here is the recipe:
-One (1) bag of Gnocchi di Patate (gluten-free potato gnocchi) (17oz)
-Two (2) tablespoons of La Dolce
-One (1) tablespoon of cream cheese
-1/2 Cup Non-Fat Milk
-One (1) teaspoon White Truffle Oil
-Grated Parmigiano Reggiano
Pasta Preparation:
Start by lightly salting the water & bring to water to a boil. Once water has reached a rolling boil, drop in the Gnocchi di Patate and cook until the Gnocchi rises to the top and then strain off water.
Sauce Preparation:
In a small sauce pan, add in 1/2 cup of Non-Fat Milk and two (2) tablespoons of La Dolce and One (1) teaspoon of White Truffle oil. Over a low-medium head constantly stir the sauce until the La Dolce/cream cheese begins to melt. *Note: In choosing the La Dolce cheese, it is very strong, so you may want to use less of the cheese or cut it with additional cream cheese. I tend to like my sauces on the strong side.
Once the sauce is ready, pour Gnocchi into a large pasta servicing dish and very lightly fold in the sauce with the Gnocchi so as not to break down any of the Gnocchi (they are very delicate). To finish off the dish you can add fresh-cut basil, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, along with fresh ground pepper on top.
Sit back & enjoy delicious gluten-free pasta for lunch or dinner!
Vendor Information:
Antonelli’s Cheese Shop:
4220 Duval Street
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 531-9610
Website: http://www.antonellischeese.com/
Con’ Olio:
10000 Research Blvd., Suite 130
Austin, TX 78759
(512) 342.2344
Website: http://www.conolios.com/
Photo Credits: Blinded By The Bite! (Rachelle King)
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