Red Lentil Soup Recipe
New Year’s Resolutions

It's that time again - New Year's Resolutions! We're 22 days into the new year and the diet commercials are on every major network, popping up in Facebook ads, magazines, you name it there is a diet out there for you (or so they say). I don't...

Gluten-Free Chipotle Frito Meringues
Gluten-Free Chipolte Frito Meringues – Recipe Testing with Frito Lay & National Foundation for Celiac Awareness

When I saw the email sitting in my inbox from the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, I squealed with delight, as I was selected as one of five bloggers/food writers to participate in testing gluten-free recipes that highlight Frito-Lay's gluten-free products.           Which recipe do I get to test - Chipotle Frito Meringues of...

Gluten-Free: The Perfect Storm

With May being Celiac Awareness Month, there is all of this talk about available gluten-free products, gluten-free news in the media (FDA Labeling -, and how to go gluten-free. But what there isn¬â„¢t always a lot of discussions about is just really how hard...

What is this hunger?

I keep coming back to my same favorite Vietnamese Restaurant here in Austin & thought I would share a blog post I had written earlier that has not been published under the Blinded By The Bite Blog.  Having moved to Austin from San Francisco, I...