A Long Road to Haul
A few years back, I enrolled in Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Program when they were still teaching classes in New York. I was excited to be spending time in New York and exploring nutrition theory to help determine if I wanted to pursue furthering my education, picking up a Masters in Nutrition, but also to lend more credibility to my blog and to the clients I work with. You know the famous quote from John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” and it was ringing true in my life and had been for the last 2-3 years.
STOP – My life was going to be put on hold! My grandmother became ill with Parkinson’s and Dementia, this while I was already taking care of my mom. For a year, my mom moved to Arizona to take care of my grandmother, however, she was alone and needed help. So we relocated my grandmother here to Austin, TX. Mom and I went about the business of taking care of my grandmother in her last days. It was the hardest two years, but also the best two years. She got to be with family as she passed away, not alone and shown so much love. This past January, my grandmother has been gone two years already. Grief also is a wicked mistress that creeps up on your when you least expect it!
So here I sit almost two years later and I’ve been back at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition since March of 2014, just having passed my third test, but more importantly received my mid-term certificate as a Certified Health Coach. I’ve got more work personally to do with respects to my own health and well being. It’s important for me to walk the talk, to be a good example to the clients I work with and with the information/recipes I share here on my blog. This is a passion for me, not just a hobby. Its my life! I thought my health and well being were all but lost at one point. I couldn’t get out of bed, my body hurt so bad, I was tired of spinal epidural shots. I couldn’t even lift a gallon of milk I was so weak post car accidents and prior to being diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
And don’t get me started on the depression, which I still struggle with some days. I was in financial ruin due to my eight car accidents which were not my fault, and I have some major resentments towards my entire time of my life being turned upside down due to others actions. While I’m grateful I have both my legs, can function, maintain a job, I had been crushed in such a way I never thought I would work my way back from to be honest. I’d lost faith in God, in everything to be honest. Friendships feel by the wayside, including my two best friends. I am sure “my shit” wore on them more times than not, as it sure as shit wore on me. I got sick of talking about it, all I wanted to know was how they were doing? What was going on in their lives? But they were always, “I’m good, what’s going on with you?”
It’s funny how if you trust, the right people and the right things will come into your life. Integrative Institute for Nutrition and Harvard University (started back in March as well) have been two of those “things” that have come into my life; they’ve made me realize writing about food, eating healthy, and helping other traverse the bumpy road I once traveled doesn’t have to be done alone. I also had the distinct honor of being invited to the James Beard Food Conference in September and it just reinforced the path I am moving down.
You too are part of my journey and I cannot say thank you enough for reading my blog, trying out my recipes, sharing your struggles with your little ones and allowing me to help you. Being in service of others is such a blessing; being able to give to others and make a difference in their lives is such an honor. A co-workers statement still sticks with me today, “Rachelle this is the first time I’ve been able to eat a baked good in years” – If that’s not a ringing endorsement of my work I don’t know what is?
So what am I trying to say here? Don’t give up whatever your challenges are. Learn to live a balanced life – that includes food, body, mind & soul. It’s all connected and it’s a journey, not a destination. Join me here as I share how I learn to live a balanced life and lets laugh along the way, sharing what works for each of us to help create community and support one another! I stated writing this blog post back in December and since then, I’ve graduated from IIN as a Certified Holistic Health Coach, accepted a new job in Seattle, and am continuing my education at Harvard. I’m not an overly religious person, and I tend to not share that part of my life here, however, I want to share this quote with you that I read last week below that relates to the above blog post:I was hot mess, and many brought me through. Now its time to share my mess, my message with you. Won’t you share yours with me?
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