Gluten-Free Meals -Come to the table for a quick meal

Recently I posted a recipe for Gnocchi with a cream sauce in an effort to share quick and easy gluten-free meal ideas, especially with the holiday’s upon us.  Having some of the ingredients left over from my trip to Con’ Olio Antonelli’s Cheese Shop, I decided to whip up another meal to share with you!

Utilizing the following ingredients I prepared a Tagliatelle Pasta with Roasted Chicken and here is the recipe:


-White Truffle Oil (from Con’ Olio)

Parmigiano Reggiano (from Antonelli’s Cheese Shop)

-Organic/Free-Rang Chicken (from Whole Foods Austin -downtown Lamar location)

Tagliatelle Gluten-Free Pasta (from Schar -Can be purchased at Sprouts, Whole Foods Austin or Central Market)

-Kosher Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper

-Two (2) tablespoons of La Dolce

-One (1) tablespoon of cream cheese

-1/2 Cup Non-Fat Milk

-One (1) teaspoon White Truffle Oil

-Grated Parmigiano Reggiano

Meat Preparation:

On a cookie sheet, lay out 5-10 chicken thighs (I like to use the thigh meat as it is leaner and more tender).  Once laid out on the cookie sheet, I drizzle white truffle olive oil on the chicken and then salt/pepper both sides, ensuring the chicken is covered evenly.  I heat the over to 325 and place the chicken in the over for about 30-40 minutes depending on the size of the chicken thighs.  Once ready, meat should be tender and able to shred with a fork.

Pasta Preparation:

Start by lightly salting the water & bring to water to a boil.  Once water has reached a rolling boil, drop in the Tagliatelle Gluten-Free Pasta and cook/stir until the Tagliatelle is al dente, then strain off water.

Sauce Preparation:

In a small sauce pan, add in 1/2 cup of Non-Fat Milk and two (2) tablespoons of La Dolce and One (1) teaspoon of White Truffle oil.  Over a low-medium head constantly stir the sauce until the La Dolce/cream cheese begins to melt. *Note: In choosing the La Dolce cheese, it is very strong, so you may want to use less of the cheese or cut it with additional cream cheese.  I tend to like my sauces on the strong side.

Once the sauce is ready, pour Tagliatelle into a large pasta servicing dish and very lightly fold in the sauce with the roasted chicken so to evenly coat the pasta and chicken with the cheese sauce.  To finish off the dish you can add fresh-cut basil, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, along with fresh ground pepper on top.

Again . . . .Sit back & enjoy delicious gluten-free pasta for lunch or dinner!


Vendor Information:

Antonelli’s Cheese Shop:

4220 Duval Street
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 531-9610


Con’ Olio:

10000 Research Blvd., Suite 130
Austin, TX 78759
(512) 342.2344 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (512) 342.2344 end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Photo Credits: Blinded By The Bite! (Rachelle King)

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