
Potato Soup with Pork Belly

First and foremost I want to apologize for not having a post in this series up the last three weeks, as sometimes life can throw us curve balls that are difficult to negotiate.  That being said. . . Thank you for your patience and understanding and here we go with the latest “Come To the Table” blog post – Potato Soup with Pork Belly!

My hunger for this soup came out of January being National Soup Month, so I wanted to stock an arsenal of soups in my freezer so I could have an easy, ready to prepare gluten-free meal (be it for lunch or dinner).  With the weather having been particularly cold here in Austin lately, I figured what a great time to make up one of my favorite soups!  I had picked up some duct confit and pork belly from Kocurek Family Charcuterie on my weekly run to SFC’s Austin’s Downtown Farmer’s Market on Saturday.  I already had potato‘s at home, as well as some cheese from Antonelli’s, Whole Foods and the Barton Creek Farmer’s Market.


Vendor Links:

Antonelli’s Cheese Shop

Barton Creek Farmer’s Market

Con’ Olio Oils & Vinegars

Edible Austin’s CSA Resource List

Full Quiver Farms

Johnson’s Backyard Garden

Sustainable Food Center’s Austin’s Downtown Farmer’s Market

Way Back When Dairy

Whole Foods

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