Picture Perfect – Buddha Bowl
How to create the picture perfect Buddha Bowls to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle....
Disclosure: “I am a member of the Everywhere Society and Everywhere has provided me with compensation for this post. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.“ Chef Johnny Iuzzini, a James Beard award-winning pastry chef, Judge on Bravo's Just Desserts, and cookbook author of...
This weekend's Austin FOOD & WINE Festival highlight was demo from Chef Graham Elliot & Chef Merlin Verrier. Consummate comedians who love food, they had the crowd in stitches, while whipping up their version of two American classics. With quick wit and repartee, the two chefs played off one another like...
The upcoming 2nd Annual 2013 Austin FOOD & WINE Festival has many in a lone star state of mind. Food and the Austin chefs that create it, have put Austin, TX on the map. Not only is Austin the "Live Music Capital of the World,"...
Coping with death has it challenges. Some do better than others, but we all have those days where we just want to bury our head under the covers when coping with death and/or loss. A picture is worth a thousand words and my dog Harper put...
Welcome to Austin, TX and I hope your ready to eat like a local! Austin, TX is known as the live music capital (Austin is host to SXSW, Austin City Limits Festival & Fun Fun Fun Fest), but our culinary scene has taken off in...
Welcome to Austin, TX first and foremost! Austin is such a great music city as you well know (We are host to SXSW, Austin City Limits Festival & Fun Fun Fun Fest), but our culinary scene has taken off in the last few years with much to offer...
For me food is about a connection. Food is what connects us all. It is the universal common denominator, the conversation starter, it's worth the fight! I am lucky enough to work in the food industry and travel for my job. While on a quick...
Food is art and I always love pictures that transform the food we eat into art! Check out this write-up on FAST FOOD LUXE via Trendland.com/Emily Miller. I would eat the artistic interpretation over the original and not just for the champagne! BY EMILY MILLER / 27 NOV 2012 @ 11:18...
This is my dog Samuel "Sugar Booger" Walker. I've named him after my grandfather and he is just a love! It's amazing the unconditional love & joy they bring to our lives. It's been clinically proven that there are several health benefits to owning a...
I've been a big fan of Rachael Ray for years now and got hooked on her simple, easy meals! Since going gluten-free, I've also gotten some great recipes from Rachael's website. Share your favorite Rachael Ray gluten-free recipe on Blinded by the Bite! Facebook page,...
It was with honor that I got to hold a giveaway for tickets to a "Meet & Greet with Michael Pollan" at HausBar Farms, as well as giveaway two tickets to "An Evening with Michael Pollan" at The Paramount Theatre. This was a rare opportunity to...
As you may know I wrote a blog post earlier last week on #DineOutNYC & #EatDownTipUp this incredible movement to help the New York Restaurant community get back up on their feet, as well as their workers, who tirelessly feed us day in and day...
She's my personal hero and I will miss her terribly when she is gone. I am honored that she has chosen to live out her last days in my home with me. I will miss you Grandma! This picture is from about 1-2 months ago. My...
When my friend Sadie told me about this project #EatDownTipUp, a friend of hers (Patrick Evans) was helping to create, I of course said "yes" to helping out, even in the midst of dealing with a 95 year old grandmother who is living out her last...
Post Update: We have a winner for the "Meet & Greet" but I have two (2) tickets to Thursday nights event at the Paramount Theater to giveaway as well at the end of today! Same rules apply - If you've already commented on post your automatically...
Big news for Blinded by the Bite! I've officially launched my new website blindedbythebite.com and I want to thank you for you're readership of my blog and I hope you'll visit the new website and subscribe to the blog. I've spent a lot of time thinking about...
I got to know Simone Shifnadel of Zenbelly Catering over the last month via Twitter, as she was raising funds for a shared gluten-free kitchen in San Francisco through Kickstarter. Having been a former San Franciscan (yes you do leave your heart in San Francisco,...
Wow we are already half way through the month of May and Celiac Awareness Month is alive and kicking! There are so many great things happening this month not only here in Austin, but across the country. Here are some great events, blog-posts and contests that...
May is Celiac Awareness Month and I am always intrigued and delighted at how I can participate with other bloggers during the month of May to help bring more awareness to Celiac's Disease. I was fortunate to join-in with several other bloggers in "Life In Pictures"...
Austin is delighted to have blogger and cookbook author Michael Natkin make a stop in Austin, TX today to celebrate the launch of his Herbivoracious cookbook. Michael is the creator behind the popular vegetarian website, Herbivoracious.com. He has been blogging about food for five years, and recently left his job as...
I was delighted when approached by Whole Foods about giving away two passes to this Sunday's "Do Something Reel" Film Festival, featuring the movie "The Apple Pushers." If you can tell me what year the Sustainable Food Center was founded you're the winner of a pair of...
I had the distinguished honor of being invited to the Austin FOOD & WINE Festival Preview/Press Event. "Pampering our palettes" with bites from Chef Tyson Cole's Uchiko, the founding partners of the Austin FOOD & WINE Festival gave a sneak preview of the 3-day event taking place...
My friends and family have been asking me what I want for my birthday this New Year's Eve. I'd been seeing everyone's gratitude posts throughout December and just coming off a fabulous work trip to Istanbul, winning two round trip tickets to Dubai at my...
As the clock counts down tonight, November 30th, I'm racing to write this blog post. Many of you know or may not know, I started a new job in June of this year. With that job, I've faced the challenge of finding the right balance...
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Blinded by the Bite! It's been an amazing journey, albeit a difficult one at times, but I awoke this morning with a sense of accomplishment, gratitude and still on such a high from my experience at the International...
I subscribe to a website called EmpowHer, as they are a great resource for health information and was reading a recent article penned by By Linda Fugate PhD titled "Celiac-Safe Wheat Coming Soon--Maybe" and just became angry! Not at the author Linda Fugate, but...
With May being Celiac Awareness Month, there is all of this talk about available gluten-free products, gluten-free news in the media (FDA Labeling - 1in133.org), and how to go gluten-free. But what there isn¬â„¢t always a lot of discussions about is just really how hard...
Are you having issues with your stomach every time you go out to eat or even fix meals at home? You've been hearing all of this press and information about gluten and wondering if you have Celiac's Disease or a gluten intolerance? Your asking yourself...
Living a gluten-free lifestyle is becoming more and more mainstream these days, as evidenced by the gluten-free informational insert from Media Planet in the Los Angeles Times during the month of March (via www.Celiac.org), and is not as some may think the latest diet fad. Why...
A few short weeks ago I received an email from Kathryn (@ATXGastronomist) asking if I would be part of the @AustinBakes for Japan event, helping out with PR/Social Media efforts, as well as baking gluten-free items. Of course I said yes to this request, how...
Update 4.12.2011: This update is pertaining to Paul Seelig who sold bread at the North Carolina State Fair and the fairgrounds flea market claiming it was gluten-free. Per www.newsobserver.com, Paul Seelig was found guilty Monday of 23 counts of obtaining property by false pretense ...
I had the pleasure of joining Mark Sayre of the Trio at the Four Seasons, John Knox (@windaddict/@hopsafari), and Jennie Chen @misohungry) for Keeper Collections Wine Ride 2011! Check out our winning blog post at http://www.keepercollection.com/blog/austin/team-mark/. With that we are all so excited for Somms Under Fire...
Blinded By The Bite's Rachelle King was featured in this months newsletter from the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness in their "Please to Tweet You" feature. Check it out: Pleased to Tweet You Each month, "Pleased to Tweet You" will highlight an individual who chatted...
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